
Control PDUs Through LAN Or Through The Web

Plus, you can now see and control multiple PDU’s within one interface

With CanopyTM from Banyan Hills Technologies, it's now possible to do so much more with your Synaccess PDU.

Canopy is a software solution that can be leveraged for remote monitoring and management. Using Canopy with your Synaccess PDU, you can do the following:

  • Out-of-band remote device hardware re-starts
  • Out-of-band remote router/switch hardware restarts
  • Second source network monitoring

But that's not all. Canopy also can be used to monitor hardware, software and network connections on your machines.

In other words, with Canopy you’ll get additional benefits beyond power management:

  • Go beyond LAN connections: access your devices from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection
  • Multiple PDUs on one screen: see and control multiple PDUs within one interface
  • Advanced automation: improve operational efficiency with a simple drag-and-drop automation workflow builder
  • Remote management: use Canopy to remotely manage your assets from one central location
  • Better reporting and analytics: Canopy can provide a set of reports out of the box or you can build your own reports using data collected by the platform
  • Easier diagnoses: want to make it easier for your support team to diagnose problems? Canopy can record a variety of events happening inside your infrastructure and makes it simple to find the diagnostic data your team needs

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